Technext Studios 应用

Kiddo Math Fest : Flawless Fun 1.1.0
Technext Studios
Scary math is brave, turn it into your slave!"Things are as scary as they are supposed to be", they say, andwe say, "Things are as fun as they are presented to be". It's notmaths' fault that they appear mighty hard or boring or scary, it'sour view to the maths, the way they are brought to us what makesthem drab and vicious. Now saddle up, Kiddo Mathfest is here toprove a point that maths could be fun to start with. If the basicsare rock solid, the rest is fiercely flowed fluid, and if you wantto make the basics of mathematics flawless and fun to you or yourkid, Kiddo Mathfest is your app.This app is brought to you by Technext Studios with a goal tocreate a generation of kids who, unlike ours, are not afraid ofmaths or the threats they pose. So, let's begin the festival ofmaths- the mathfest for kids, shall we?
Dextris Halloween : Bulk Candy 2.0
Technext Studios
This is the world's toughest horrific run.In the frightful halloween, the candy buddies started theirjourney. Destined to get into the hands of a playful child. Butinstead, like a nightmare, they appeared in the middle of theunearthly monster land! The ghostly land is full of frightfuldeathly hallows and moreover, grim and horrific candy monsters aretrying to get their hands on them. They must run, split, dodge,hover around and squeeze tempted through the scary land and deathlyhallows and avoid the horrific monstrous attempts of the frightfulmonsters- they must become the split shot and the dexterous dodgerto accomplish this task.This is where dexterity meets monstrosity. You'll have to movethe candy pair hurriedly, squeeze them through the grim obstacles,split shot them to hover around the middle dodger. This is one ofthe fastest of the fast games. You'll have to be extremely cautiousand precise 'cause this game is deadly!This unearthly grim game is brought to you by Technext Studios.You'll get the taste of cotton candy, the horrific flavour of hellbound monsters, the deadly hallows of dextris and the excitement ofthe fastest fast games here. The gameplay experience will be unlikeany tough and frightful game you've ever played.Have a dexterous halloween!
Trace Race : Drag And Draw 1.0
Technext Studios
The Future Of Racing Is Here, Draw Your WayRight There!Welcome to the next generation of racing. What comes on yourmind when you think about racing games? We know what rings there, afast and furious car which you'll drive the tire out on the track.You know what we say? We say too mainstream! Now it's time to dragand draw your route over the track and let your car do the rest.The faster you'll drag, the faster the speed the car will gain.With 3 boosts that'll allow you to go faster on straights, takesharp corners and go smooth on rough areas of the track- the funand excitement never ends.This exciting racing game is brought to you by Technext Studioswith intense but elegant graphics and suspenseful sound that willadd another dimension to your racing experience. So, grab the gameand happy racing.Features:#. 4 Complete Racetrack Featuring,1. F1 Circuit.2. City Plain.3. Offroad Dirt Track.4. Snow Drift Track.#. 4 Different Types of Race Cars Suited For Each Track.#. 3D Perspective Gameplay.#. 3 Helpful Boosts Including 2 Unique Ones,-Nitro Boost-Introducing Trail Brake Boost-Introducing Traction Control Boost#. 2-5 Laps Per Race.#. Custom Paint Job On The Cars#. Smooth Gameplay With Eye-catching Graphics.#. Game Service Enabled With Leaderboard Integrated.#. Convenient Navigation With Elegant Surroundings.*** Caution: This is the new exciting future of racing gamesfeaturing drawing the route of the car onto the track, fast speedand rough drive. Cheers!
Brick Cracker : Dxball Paddle 1.1.1
Technext Studios
Crack the brick, swish and flick! Here comesthe ultimate breakout style paddle ball game with custom mapcreation.Have you ever heard of a game called Dx Ball? I know I did! Justkidding- I bet you did hear the name, you played it and wereobsessed with it. Now how many times did you finish it? I bet onceagain that, a lot of times and you know all the levels, everydetail of them. You know what else I can bet? I can bet that youare thriving to get some more levels, a lot of levels. God,if onlyyou could design all the levels you want, no matter how many ofthem! I didn’t have to be a psychic to know all that, every diehard Dx Ball fan would want that. Well, time to clap your hands andget down to business! Brick cracker is here to give you theopportunity you longed for.Drag and drop different featured bricks, make any type oflevels- as many as you want and play with those levels. You canalso upload your levels and download levels made by other gamers!Play with both touch and tilt controls. DX Ball frenzy justcouldn’t get more fun!Brick Cracker is brought to you by Technext Studios with theintent to quench the thirst of user-designed, unlimited brick andball game. The game takes you to an atmosphere of ‘80s with thecoolest graphics and pure arcade navigation. Burn, smash, demolishthe bricks that put shackles on our destiny. You want to break outtoo? Join in.
City Kites : Urban Kite Hussle 3.0
Technext Studios
One doesn't simply fly a kite!Those who ever flew a kite knows the fun it unleashes, those whodidn't, guess. The tradition of kite flying is dying in the handsof our busy, tiring schedules. City Kites brings the opportunity toeveryone- those who knows kite flying, those who have deep desiresof it and those who don't have a chance. This is a simcity gleefulcasualty game. You can fly kites anywhere, from the ancient Chinato India, peaceful building residences to demolishing war zones,dark alleys to construction sites! When kites fly, cities gethigh!After a long time in this civilization, now we've finallyreached to the darkest of ages- literally. Our streets are filledwith gas, our own sky sees nothing except of the towering buildingtops , airplanes , smokes - blackness. Dark shadows are everywhere,haunting the once heavenly mother earth, the gleeful nature with nocasualty. Those days are long gone when the kites flew in the skywith the grace of glee, higher and higher chasing the clouds,destined to touch the sky- even the evil would lift his head andfeel the beauty and fun of it with large glee on his face. Ahh,those days!This game is brought to you by Technext Studios with intensegraphics, fanatic gameplay and suspenseful sounds that will takeyour gaming experience into a whole another level. Difficultyincreases in ascending order of levels. Only one thing this gamepromises, kite flying is fun.
Webbo Puzzle : Jigsaw Riddle 1.0.2
Technext Studios
Webbo PuzzleYou mess with one of 'em, you mess with millions of 'em.Imagine a world fully shattered- everything you sawbefore,everything you are seeing right now and everything you'reevergoing to see, all completely broken into pieces like themightyThor hammered through the world or Wreck-It Ralph wrecked theworldbad and left it to rot in web. Well, you have a little magictoo,the hammer you are holding is your hand and just like the FixItFelix you can give it a touch and fix the world if you may.Webbo Puzzle is so much more than a puzzle game and when wesayfix the world or millions of puzzles, we mean it. Now alltheimages you find in the world of web which actually consistsalmostall the images of the world can be your puzzle playground.Searchthe web with the integrated search engine of this gamepowered byGoogle, download any image from anywhere in the web andit will beautomatically added to the fascinating gallery the apppresents andthe game makes a precise puzzle out of it for you toplay with thedifficulty level you choose! The game even shows yousuggestions oftop searches till now to make your searchingeasier.For example, you like superheroes like Spiderman or BatmanorSuperman or Hulk or Ironman or cartoon characters like Ben 10orTom And Jerry or Scooby Dooby Doo or Pokemon or fairytaleslikeCinderella or Little Mermaid or Tinker Bell or Peter Pan andyouwant to be puzzled by playing puzzles with the pictures theyareinto or the scenes they are in, or you like nature or birdsoranimals like cats or dogs, or fishes like Nemo (!) and you wanttohave them and their surroundings as puzzles and play with themallday long, Webbo Puzzle is just the game you need as it willallowyou to download your favorite photos with all of the abovethingsand everything else in them and turns those photos intopuzzles andlets you choose from the gallery which puzzle you fancyto play andof course lets you play!Webbo Puzzle is brought to you by Technext Studios withthecoolest environment and navigation system you need to experienceahighly professional as well as preferable puzzle game withmillionsof puzzles. The shattered world is waiting- go, you can fixit!
Loop De Loop : Coil 1.01
Technext Studios
Once a loop, always a loop!A loop alone can spin your head. Multiple loops? God save us!Butif you are to create loops in order to survive, you'd be morethanhappy to oblige! Draw loops, trap multiple energy photonswithin itto get energized, trap single photons to increase yourvalue oflife, trap premium photons to boost your score andsurvive. Don'tget too messy, trapping viciously hot pills ofphotons will reduceyour energy level and leave you to die apainful death. Now, goahead and start drawing loops, coils,circles to battle, survive andgain honour. Game on, Loop!Loop de Loop is brought to you by Technext Studios with asimplebut attractive and addictive gameplay that promises to keepyou atbay continuously. Remember, a loop in time, saves youprime!
Shield or Yield 1.0
Technext Studios
Protector with the shield, shall never yield.Nobody wants to die, neither the living nor the dead! Andnobodywants to let others die. What would you do if your planet isaboutto be destroyed and you've got the power to shield the core oftheplanet from the attacks? Would you cry, moan or flee? Or fightbackto protect your beloved planet? The choice is yours, shieldoryield!This arcade game is brought to you by Technext Studios withZYROlike flexible control mechanism along with authentic soundandgraphics that will upgrade your gaming experience into amemorableone. Go on, the glory is yours for the taking.
RIP Jellybean : Goodbye Gamer 1.0
Technext Studios
Looking for challenges? Sign up for thegrandone!Brace yourselves for the hypersonic brisk that will test youtothe point of breakdown. If you somehow survive, wait a second,youknow what? You can't! No matter how damn good a gamer you are,youwill fall and the game will feast on you!The game is fast. Being said that, let's move on to the leveloffastness. The level is hypersonic! The brisk speed will testyourmental and finger reflex in game. A tiny bit of stray and bye.Thedamn hussle is over, no one lives.The game is tough. Again, being said that, let's move on tothelevel of toughness. The level is damn minefield! You'll have tobeprecise in your moves. A tiny bit of lapse in concentration andbyeagain. The hussle is over again, no one lives again!The game is crazy. And again, being said that, let's move ontothe level of craziness. The level is insane! You'll have to getthejellybeans to run, split, dodge, hover around and squeezetemptedthrough the damn flat dextris world. A tiny bit of shiftinmomentum and, yes you are right, BYE. The hussle is over yetagain,no one lives as always!This intensely brisk hussle is brought to you by TechnextStudioswith all the hope and curse that you die even after death.The nameof the game lies big time; there is no resting in peacefor you oryour jellybeans, Mr. Gamer. Not if you play thegame.
Space Runner : The Lost Monkey 1.2
Technext Studios
A runner in the space, holds a fighter'sgrace.Albert Einstein, a zombie with brains, was abducted by thenotorious Hakalukis from planet Banglas by the bandits of planetSudum. There he was subjected to hell breaking experiments-monkeyfied and left to rot in the hell of Sudum. He escaped Godknows how, stole a rocket, demon knows how and all set to return tohis home. But there is one teeny tiny disaster, he doesn't know howto fly a rocket! Now come on, have mercy and show him the waythrough space avoiding the dangers, only the game knows what or DieTrying!!Space Runner is an insanely interactive arcade game brought toyou by Technext Studios with the craziest graphics and gameplaythat will make you experience the thrill and adventure of acomplete gaming suite where a lost monkey is looking upon you toshow the way through the dangers of unsafe space planets andnebulas to his own home planet. Race through the levels filled withhorror and catastrophes the vicious space of future poses and carryout your courage and skills to accomplish something you've neveraccomplished before. Hail to the monkey and the space!A few features of Space Runner brings to you are,★ Story based gameplay.★ Level based graphics.★ Convenient navigation through the system.★ Easy-to-master controls with accelerometer and touch.★ Classic arcade game dynamics.★ Fantasy/fiction storyline.★ Ecstatic look and feel provided with unity 3d engine.★ Along with numerous other features, the gameplay consistscollecting coins, avoiding obstacles, stars for distinction andwatching videos to earn bananas & revive.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like us on Facebook: us ( for any support ):
Converter Bundle 1.1
Technext Studios
Care for a magic spindle, say hellotoConverter Bundle!Remember the time your friend said, "Look up, the hell is50kilometers away!" and you wondered, "50 kilos! How many milescouldthat be!" or your mom said, "Bring me that £50 cannon, iwannashoot your papa!" and you wondered, "How many dollars wouldthatbe!" or the time when you wondered how many kilogramsyourgirlfriend weighs as she is 420 lbs! Well, no more wonderings,nomore asking, no more humiliation for ignorance as theConverterBundle is to the rescue! Here you can perform all theconversionsyou may come across in your lifetime and all theconversions youmay not too! To be specific, all feasible unitsof> Currency Converter> Distance Converter> Area Converter> Volume Converter> Weight and Mass Converterare provided. What more do you need?This app is brought to you by Technext studios with thepurposeof converting life into a bit easier life! Simplestnavigation andinstantaneous results would make the use of this appeasier aswell. Go ahead then and convert everything!
Jigsaw Puzzle : Tender Love 1.0.1
Technext Studios
Love is like a Jigsaw Puzzle, all you needisthe right pieces in the right places.The ultimate question prevails, what can be the best giftforyour loved one on valentine's day? Don't be so traditional,it'sbecoming too cliche- try to be authentic in the choice ofgifts.Make it a bit different, let him/her play the game made forlove!This could be your magic wand with charming spell on it.JigsawPuzzle : Valentine's Love is bringing the irony of smoothJigsawpuzzle- making pieces out of love and leaving you to jointhepieces so that bond of love is once again restored.The features this game offers include,#. Pieces join both within and outside the box.#. Free batch of high quality, authentic valentine images.#. More sensational images as Valentine’s batch.#. Up to 100 pieces of difficulty.#. Dazzling graphics and animations throughout the game.#. Game Service enabled with achievements and leaderboards.#. Social sharing integrated.This game is brought to you by Technext Studios withintensegraphics, classic gameplay and suspenseful sounds that willtakeyour gaming experience into a whole another level. This is thegamefor people who love and people who love puzzles alike.
Lip Shameless :Fly French Kiss 1.5
Technext Studios
Emma just had a rough day- caught herboyfriendcheating on her, her boss hitting on her, her dadscolding her.Feeling down and mad at everyone around her, she goeswild andstarts looking for her kiss prince- who neither will hurther norwill run away. Watch out boys, she's a great kisser, andwhenfeeling slutty, she can run a barrage of kisses on everyone intheneighbourhood! She's such a duckface sweetheart.Now, two scenarios- imagine if you were like Emma, agreatkisser, looking for a kiss prince of your own, or you're arandomboy wants to get love struck. Flying kisses are flyingeverywhere,you just have to channel them, bend them like a kissbender withthe ultimate power to curve the kisses any direction youwant! Ifyou're Emma, you'd want to bend the lip kisses to strikethe boysroaming around waiting to be love struck. Get the bullseye,don'tmiss your precious passionate kiss, you're a great kisser! Orifyou are the boy waiting to be love stuck, trying to be thekissprince of Emma, direct the passionate kisses to you. Let's seehowgood are you!Lip Shameless is a crazy stupid love game to bend your lovestruckpassionate kiss with tender love. You'll have to bend yourflyingkiss for sensual seduction in precision for the bullseye.Features:#. 3 modes.- Classic- Wind- Time Challenge#. Classic mode tests your kiss skills.#. Wind mode tests your precision in kissing.#. Time Challenge mode judges your accuracy and speed.#. 3 difficulty levels- easy, medium and hard.#. Elegant and interactive graphics.#. Romantic music and cool sound effects.#. Organic coin system integrated.#. Game Service integrated with worldwide leaderboard.#. Incentives like boosters and bag of coins.#. Kiss speed, wind speed, probability of incentivesareadjustable.#. Coins can be used to unlock levels, buy boosters,adjustingspeeds and probability.#. Facebook and Twitter share to get coin chunks.This crazy stupid love struck game is brought to you byTechnextStudios, developed by a team of love and flirt experts andlead byone kiss prince and another duck face kiss princess. Thegameplayexperience will be unlike any love game you've ever played.Thinkyou're a great kisser? Jump on it. Good luck!
Sperm Rush : Egg Cell Crescer 1.3
Technext Studios
Run! to grow a life!You weren't born in an easy way- trillions of sperms racetowardsegg to produce a life. And now, a legendary opportunityopens up toyou, take a sperm through the rough edges of fallopiantube withdangerous acidic fluid cells to avoid! Lets see if you canget thelucky bustard to meet the egg! Go on, life is a race!You have to drive your sperm to meet the egg. Your mainconcernis to drive your sperm with rush and avoid all the obstaclesandget the coins to make high scores.Gameplay---------------* Collect Coins* Avoid the obstacles* Move forward with increasing speed through theFallopiantube* Reach the ovum to achieve the goalBest of Luck!
City Kites : Tender Love 1.0.0
Technext Studios
One doesn't simply fly a kite- and then,Onecannot simply love either!The ultimate question prevails, what can be the best giftforyour loved one on valentine's day? Don't be so traditional,it'sbecoming too cliche- try to be authentic in the choice ofgifts.Make it a bit different, let him/her play the game made forlove!This could be your magic wand with charming spell on it. Citykitesis bringing the fun of kite flying and mixing it up withlove-floating everywhere!** Introducing Share With Love: Share the beautifulpostcardssealed with passion- with the name of your loved one onit. All yougotta’ do is finish a level!The features this game offers include,#. Tilt controls.#. 5 complete levels.#. 6 different kites to choose from.#. Love balloons to boost flying.#. Blade obstacles to spoil the fly.#. Share with love introduced.#. Game Service enabled with achievements and leaderboards.#. Social sharing integrated.#. Smooth animations throughout the game.#. 5 love-blended locations of kite flying,- Valentine Villa- Cable car in snowfall- Park in dewdrops- Home sweet home- Wizard worldThis game is brought to you by Technext Studios withintensegraphics, fanatic gameplay and suspenseful sounds that willtakeyour gaming experience into a whole another level. Only onethingthis game promises, kite flying is fun and love floatsforeveryone.
Gunslinger Ghostrider Bullseye 1.6
Technext Studios
What happens when an western gunslingerdies?Does he give up his wild west gun, the gunfight, the shootout,allthe cowboy action shooting? That's a big NO! He comes backundead,goes into a bar, blasts everything off- creating chaos,smashingbottles, shattering glasses, terrorising the whole town. Hegoesghost riding to the top of the wanted dead or alive list. Hestilldoes not stop vandalising.Consider yourself that wanted dead or alive ghost rider oraheadless horseman, who used to be like the cowboy actionshootinggenius, one of the duel masters, a ranch hand with shootingbottlesskills. Now take out your handgun and winchester rifle andstartthe pub shooting. Prove that you are still the same old wildwestgun master with pinpoint shooting bottles hits whom evenduelmasters envy.Gunslinger Ghostrider is a cowboy action shooting stylebottleshoot Game in the old west. You'll have to bend your bulletinorder to smash bottles and swing the bullet in precision forthebullseye.Features:#. 3 modes.- Classic- Wind- Time Challenge#. Classic mode tests your shooting skills.#. Wind mode tests your precision in shooting.#. Time Challenge mode judges your accuracy and speed.#. 3 difficulty levels- easy, medium and hard.#. Intense and interactive graphics.#. Suspenseful music and cool sound effects.#. Organic coin system integrated.#. Game Service integrated with worldwide leaderboard.#. Incentives like boosters and bag of coins.#. Bullet speed, wind speed, probability of incentivesareadjustable.#. Coins can be used to unlock levels, buy boosters,adjustingspeeds and probability.#. Facebook and Twitter share to get coin chunks.This ghostly cowboy action shooting game is brought to youbyTechnext Studios, developed by the duel masters team, lead byaheadless horseman and a precise bottles shoot ghost rider.Thegameplay experience will be unlike any cowboy action shootinggameyou've ever played. So, try to be alive when you're wanted deadoralive and all you have is one winchester rifle to smash thewinebottles to pieces. Good luck!
Kiddo Puzzle: Jigsaw Conundrum
Technext Studios
Kiddo PuzzlePuzzle for a kid, is a puzzle indeed!Kids, what if I tell you it's not the time to grow up, it'sthetime for the adults to shrink down! And there should not beanylimits for kidding around, everything's fair wherever kidsstare!And I'm telling you, the whole universe should be aplayground forkids. So, let's shatter the world, blast through it!Let's rebuildeverything, anything- whatever we like, except theadult things, wehate things for adults! Adults can go to whereverthey like withtheir things and their things mustn't bother us. So,let's add afilter to our playground so that no adult things passthrough it.And now we're happy, fun all around, time for us kids tojoin thepuzzle festival!Kiddo Puzzle is so much more than a puzzle game and when wesaythe whole world is a puzzle playground, we mean it. Now alltheimages you find in the world of web which actually consistsalmostall the images of the world can be your puzzle pieces. Searchtheweb with the integrated search engine of this game poweredbyGoogle, download any image from anywhere in the web and it willbeautomatically added to the fascinating gallery the app presentsandthe game makes a precise puzzle out of it for you to play withthedifficulty level you choose! The game even shows you suggestionsoftop searches till now to make your searching easier and ofcourse,search filter is added so that no adult contents affectthekids.For example, you like superheroes like Spiderman or BatmanorSuperman or Hulk or Ironman or cartoon characters like Ben 10orTom And Jerry or Scooby Dooby Doo or Pokemon or fairytaleslikeCinderella or Little Mermaid or Tinker Bell or Peter Pan andyouwant to be puzzled by playing puzzles with the pictures theyareinto or the scenes they are in, or you like nature or birdsoranimals like cats or dogs, or fishes like Nemo (!) and you wanttohave them and their surroundings as puzzles and play with themallday long, Kiddo Puzzle is just the game you need as it willallowyou to download your favorite photos with all of the abovethingsand everything else in them and turns those photos intopuzzles andlets you choose from the gallery which puzzle you fancyto play andof course lets you play!Kiddo Puzzle is brought to you by Technext Studios withthecoolest environment and navigation system you need to experienceahighly professional as well as preferable puzzle game withmillionsof puzzles. The shattered world is waiting- go, you can fixit!